About 50 km from Santa Clara on the road to "Santa María" key is this museum, located in the former sugar mill "Marcelo Salado", which stopped producing the sweet grain in 1999 and is now a model that shows the industrial process from the reception of the sugar cane to the production of sugar and its derivatives.
In this place you will be able to receive, by specialists, a detailed explanation of the development of the sector since its introduction in Cuba until nowadays, the museum possesses the pieces and real machines that carried out harvesting for several years, in an excellent state of conservation. The museum is complemented by a collection of steam engines, used since the beginning of the 20th century in the pulling of sugar cane by rail, true mechanical jewels of more than 100 years old, some of them still in operation.
To visit this site is to share Cuba's sugar history, from its introduction to the nation and to learn about one of the industries that distinguishes us in the world.