The Ciénaga de Zapata was one of the most backward and poorest areas of the country before the triumph of the revolution, nowadays it is part of the municipality of the same name, which is the largest and least populated in Cuba. The park occupies a large area with a wide diversity of flora and fauna, many of them autochthonous. It is the perfect combination of nature and history, as it was in this territory that the events known as the mercenary invasion of "Bahía de Cochinos" took place and its defeat in less than 72 hours.
Among the first actions of the revolutionary government was the development of the Ciénaga and the living conditions of its inhabitants, who lived almost entirely on the sale of wood, charcoal making, housing and fishing. Among the first ideas were the consolidation of tourism and the preservation of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the area.

In this experience you can enjoy a wide range of options, including a visit to the museum of "Playa Girón", the fish cave, the crocodile farm, the hotel "Guama" and its village "Taina", swimming in "Playa Larga" or "Girón", watching animals in their natural environment, such as flamingos, birds and crocodiles and the main course can be diving in several points of the best sea floors of the country.
The journey Santa Clara-Ciénaga de Zapata is made in a classic car and takes between two hours and two hours and thirty minutes. The taxi accompanies the clients throughout the journey and returns them home at the agreed time.
The itinerary and time are negotiable, with the house, according to the interests of the hikers.
If you want to enjoy the perfect combination of nature, history and culture, this is undoubtedly the best option.